How the journey began
Debra Phillips
I have always wanted to be a "Grey Nomad" when I grew up (and at my age, I am just about there). I dabbled in it off and on for many years. After living in Melbourne for over a decade I moved back to Bundaberg to start the next chapter of my life. I had only been back in Bundaberg for a month when I was diagnosed with breast cancer so that put a bit of a spanner in the works. Fortunately, I survived and am now ready to go off into the wild blue yonder and live my "Grey Nomad" life.
It's only been about 12 years (let's not rush into anything) and many adventures later that I am in a position to once again become a "Grey Nomad", hence the term "trainee grey nomad" - #traineegreynomads. There is so much to learn and understand! Perhaps, we are taking it all too seriously? The older I get the more I worry about what can go wrong. I am trying to look at what can go right instead. Here is a link to an older blog that I did during my breast cancer journey.
Currently, we have a small Jayco Lark which we plan to use for the next 12 to 18 months to make sure we really do want this lifestyle. We may then upgrade to something a bit easier to set up.
I have strong administration skills as well as hospitality skills and will hopefully pick up some casual work along the way to supplement my income! To keep my brain active, I am doing an on-line travel writers course through the Australian Writer’s Centre. Hopefully, I will get the opportunity to get a by-line somewhere on my travels.
Things I really enjoy and plan to cover in my blog site.
Swimming (would love to paddle-board but have all sorts of difficulties)
Food & Wine
Australian History
We also enjoy playing the odd round of golf as well as going to country horse-racing meets.
I hope you enjoy my blog and I welcome any comments.
You can follow Trainee Grey Nomads on Facebook or Instagram.
Just good grey-nomad fun!